Our Why
We believe that everyone deserves to lead a happy, healthy life. Through the opportunities and challenges, it’s up to us to make the most of the one life we have and support others to do the same. Our mindset is our greatest tool and learning the skills to understand our mind and how to make the most of its potential, as early as possible in life, is the key.
What We Do
Katie and Jenna started the Moonshot Series as a way to help make their work in Olympic and Professional sport more accessible to people from all walks of life. Today, it is a platform to teach skills and ideas that help people shoot for the moon.
Here’s how we do it:
Transformational mindset courses hosted online and in person.
TED talks and Keynote speeches.
Live workshops
Coaching and psychological support.
What Does This Look Like in Action
We work with schools, teachers, parents and young people to build social and emotional skills to thrive at school, and at home.
Find out about our online and in person training for teachers, students and parents.
We support people from all walks to life to develop a resilient mindset, build confidence and create healthy habits.
Find out about our online and in person training for adults.
We help athletes and coaches of all levels turn their mental game into a competitive advantage.
Find out about our online sport psychology course.
We help people develop psychological skills through educational programmes based in:
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Positive Psychology
Sport Psychology
Clinical Psychology